


Conduct of Social Audit of the MGNREGSA Works has been mandated under MGNREGA Act. The Social Audit shall be conducted by Telangana Society for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency (SSAAT-TELANGANA).

It is proposed to fill up the vacancy of the Director for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency (SSAAT-TELANGANA).

In this regard, for the purpose of the appointment of the Director for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency (SSAAT-TELANGANA), it is proposed to invite applications from interested persons who fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed in the MGNREGA Act and MGNREGA Annual Master Circulars issued from time to time. The relevant provisions in regard to tenure, eligibility and the terms and conditions of appointment are annexed to this notification. 

Accordingly, applications are invited from interested persons having above requisite qualifications and experience in the relevant field.

 Interested persons may apply through online at URL : https://nrega.telangana.gov.in/SocialAudit/ in the prescribed application form. 

The last date for submission of the filled in applications, in all respects is 10thth January 2025 by 5.30 P.M. 

The selection process, either from applications received or otherwise, will be through the Search-cum-Screening Committee constituted by the Government for this purpose. 




Panchayat Raj & Rural Development,

Govt. of Telangana




Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department, Government of Telangana invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of Director in Telangana Society for Social Audit, Accountability and Transparency (SSAAT-Telangana) on a contractual basis. The post is purely temporary.

The tenure of the Director, SSAAT shall be for Three years and with the approval of the Governing Body of SSAAT, the services of Director, SSAAT can be extended up to the maximum tenure of 5 years or 65 years age, whichever is earlier. The incumbent will not be eligible for the post of Director, SSAAT again.

Eligibility Criteria:-

  1. Qualification:- Post Graduate Degree in any subject from a University recognised by UGC. Preference will be given to candidates holding Post Graduate Degree in Audit / Accounts / Finance / Social Development subjects.
  2. Experience:- 
    1. The candidate should possess a minimum Ten (10) years of working experience in the field of audit and government accounts. He / She should also have proven administrative ability to handle human resources with varying skill levels who can be deployed in different areas under his / her jurisdiction.
    2. The candidate should possess a minimum of Two (2) years of field experience in the field of Social Audit.
    3. The candidate should posses a minimum of Three (3) years of experience in Senior Managerial position or having headed an organisation, preferably in the field of Social Audit.
    4. The candidate should have proficiency in Reading, Writing and communication skills in English and Telugu, which is mandatory.
    5. Preference will be given to Social Activist.
  3. Age:- The maximum age at the time of recruitment shall not be more than 62 years
  4. Remuneration:- Monthly fixed remuneration of Rs. 1.20 lakhs, along with medical insurance and transport. 

Procedure of Selection:-

  1. Scrutiny of applications
  2. Short listing of candidates basing on eligibility criteria
  3. Verification of original certificates / documents
  4. Conducting of interview by the Selection Committee.
  5. Submitting the list to the Selection Committee for final selection and approval.

Responsibilities of the Director: 

  1. To be answerable to the Governing Body as per the norms of the SA society.
  2. To manage the day-to-day functioning of society.
  3. Ensure that social audits undertaken by the SAU are in compliance with the Audit of the Scheme Rules and in compliance with a calendar of social audits jointly approved by the PR Department and the SAU
  4. Design and development of all programmatic guidelines with respect to recruitment. Process of social audit, Governance structure, Capacity building and training; financial rules etc for the operation of the SAU.
  5. To ensure that all policy level decisions related to Society are implemented.
  6. Undertake all activities necessary to fulfil the objective and vision of the Society.
  7. Recruit staff and incur necessary expenditures to manage the day-to-day affairs as per HR Norms.
  8. Convene Governing Body and Executive Committee meeting at stipulated intervals, maintain all records, minutes and registers of functioning of the SAU.
  9. Anchor all interactions with and communication with the department implementing the MGNREGA.
  10. Ensure transparency in the functioning and expenditure of the SAU.
  11. Ensure that the website of the SAU is maintained on an online basis.
  12. Take disciplinary action over staff as per contract rules.

Interested individuals should submit their applications using the prescribed application format (Annexure-I) along with detailed testimonials and credentials. The selection committee will recommend engagement after following the necessary formalities.

Applications found to be incomplete in any respect will be rejected. The date of interview will be communicated, and all original documents must be presented at the time of the interview. Travel allowances (TA) and daily allowances (DA) will not be provided to applicants attending the interview.

For selected candidate the appointment order will be issued only after proper verification of antecedents.  

Applications are invited through online only, through URL:  https://nrega.telangana.gov.in/SocialAudit  is extended upto 10th January 2025 before 5.30 PM




Panchayat Raj & Rural Development,

Govt. of Telangana